
grow food not lawn

To start the conversation off, this is a first draft on this opening thread:

What are the possible ways to define a "Permacomputer".

Suppose we dream of technology, with many different ways to implement a shared computer of permanence (Permacomputer), built by the people for the people. Similar to using the tap for drinking water or AC Electricity to run machines. An always on computer by the people, for the people. One which is durable, and easy to repair. One where all parts, all layers of abstraction are accessible to the human operators.

Suppose we built so many different implementations that we found patterns where accepting certain properties, constraints, or trade-offs we could generate self-renewing abundance (as manifested naturally by such a system) simply choosing the right patterns and designs to optimize toward the ideal positive steady growth state.

Suppose the technology exists already, but has not been creatively linked in the proper orientation, yet.

Suppose we decide to build a Permacomputer which optimizes for the quadrivium key operating values of Truth, Freedom, Harmony, & Love.

Suppose we use rigor to define & agree on the meaning of those key operating values. What technological properties would we need to ensure the maximum Truth, Freedom, Harmony, and Love would result just by humans participating in this system?

So how do we solve for (and protect) these four key values using today's existing technologies? What properties does our Permacomputer need to come alive & grow indefinitely?


Our Universe is mathmatical, & math is a natural right (even above public domain). The universe is logical & always follows a trivium of inputs > process > outputs This logic is of the 0 and 1 or True and False. It is the separation between two, no edge or gradient. In regards to a Permacomputer, for Truth, the source code must be open source & freely distributed. In fact, in my ideal the core parts of the machine would be gifted into the public domain (without license or warranty). In this way we may treat our code bases as seeds to sprout on any abandoned technology. My reference implementation will use Python, however I fully expect people to port the ideas into all programming languages.



For Freedom, all actions on the Permacomputer are voluntary. You are not forced to upload content to the Permacomputer, you volunteer the same way you do when uploading to Monopolistic Corporate Owned Social Media Sites. When you upload content to the Permacomputer you have implicitly also agreed to the inherent & natural terms of the system. For example, if you configure content to be public, and you make the price $0, anyone can download the content however they please off the servers. Public data labeled free will be distributed over cloud object stores and then seeded via bittorrent. Content creators should upload content, the Permacomputer may have systems to prevent plagerism. Free to remix & collaborate with anyone, as long as it's voluntary with all humans involved. A Permacomputer is a gradient, a "gray zone", which form egdes between worlds and exist without grants or manicupalities. A Permacomputer is a Utopia of the commons.

Freedom is a tricky word for people to grok. This is because people look at it from the FREEDOM TO perspective rather than the more valid FREEDOM FROM perspective. FREEDOM FROM tyranny being key. You are free to create & share, like a radio broadcasting creations to anyone who may find interest.


A system in harmony has approapriate inputs for all of it's outputs. That is to say, there is very little waste or pollution during operation. A system in harmony will self renew & cause diverse connections to thrive within. Peace is when inner & outter parts of a system take harmonious action or inaction with each of the parts of the holistic & shared universe. Beings in harmony look out for one another and grow healthier because of fruitful relationships. Beings in harmony help others unfold peace within their own tiny universes.


Finally Love, Freedom only works when we hold it with Love. Individual Freedoms are a NATURAL RIGHT. Be youself without hurting others. We know that the law of attraction manifests collaboration & cooperation from the smallest parts like our models of the atom, to a single cell, to a human's body, to the mind & the global subconscious. This law is love. Love is not always right but it's the fuel, it's what drives this whole mad universe and it's you and it's me and we are excellent! Can you imagine, your heart beating for you each and everyday, the bacteria in your gut digesting food for your cells to uptake and absorb. Everything in perfect balance and homeostasis! Sure we may fall ill, but our bodies repair even without our focus. In fact it's often better to sleep when feeling sick and turn down the conscious ego altogether and slip into lala land: to the place of archetypes, the shadow, the subconscious, and unconscious. Our bodies rescue us, we do nothing (wu wei) and only need to wait through the uncomfortable now. A new day will rise and after a short time we feel whole again. We have all experienced this. We know this because this is love. Our bodies love us and if we treat others inside this Permacomputer system with love, I don't see why Freedom cannot find a natural balance, especially if love were inherently part of the technological constraints and engineering decisions. You know what true love is, you might have forgotten, but you know it, and I love you.

Action Items

So in the comments below, perhaps we talk about existing technologies both centralized and distributed computing stacks. Let's talk about bittorrent. Let's talk about the game changing Cloudflare R2 (AWS S3 compatible object store). Let's talk about the "pirate" peer-to-peer distribution networks of the 1990's and 2000's. Let's talk cryptography. Let's talk crypto currencies. Let's talk about how to build a distributed and permanent computer owned and operated by the people. Let's keep costs down close to zero. Let's talk about IPv4 and IPv6. Let's think inside and outside the box. After a couple of weeks this thread will be moved to the forum and a new thread will be posed to help the group move forward with either more creative thought or creative action. Right now we are searching to understand each of our specialized knowledge as a group.

We set up a discord server for the people who work better via async, instant messages, or chat. If you are interested please install the client and get yourself familiar with it, the core team will likely use it.

Grab the invite here, while supplies last!


If you're here to show support or volunteer, thank you, reach out however you like! I will post videos, art, & poety, music, & short stories over on media.unturf.com before other platforms & i plan to move all my content under this domain free from advertisements or tracking! Thank you all for your support & for visiting, you are very early but I'm rushing to get everything ready for many great minds to share with each other! <3

Please feel free to express yourself (more than normal social media, this is the real Internet after all), but try not to offend. When in doubt aim for Truth, Freedom, Harmony, & Love in your interactions on this domain.

For more details about the type of discourse which is acceptable, check out this short essay:

I Reject Monopoly Of Moderation.

I'm very happy you are here, thanks again!